
AVN Setebid Tablets : Used in Treatment of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes Condition, PCOD (PCOS) (100 Tablets)

: Available

Rs. 479.00 Rs. 490.00


AVN Setebid Tablets is a proprietary ayurvedic medicament manufactured by AVN Ayurveda Formulations Pvt. Ltd., Madurai, Tamilnadu, which works to normalize blood sugar levels. It is a Natural Anti-hyperglycemic Agent with Powerful Anti-oxidant Action & Multiple Benefits. It is useful to treat Type II Diabetes.

Benefits (Mode of Action):
- Controls hyperglycemia by enhancing cellular glucose uptake.
- Reduces the need for OHA/Insulin by augmenting the action of available insulin.
- Provides powerful anti-oxidants to neutralize free radicals.
- Offers protection against end-organ complications by retarding micro / macro-vascular damage.

It is used for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes.

2 Tablets two times a day for a random blood sugar level of more than 180. For a sugar lesser than that, 1 Tablet two times a day will be sufficient. However, regular blood and urine sugar level monitoring so as to adjust the dose is highly advisable.

Each tablet is made from a concentrated extract of:
Curcuuma longa (Haridra) (Turmeric), Emblica officinalis (Amla), Eugenia jumbolana (Jambu), Commiphora mukul (Guggulu), Strychnos potatorum (Kataka), Acacia catechu (Khadira), Berberis aristata (Yashti), Humbolotia vahliana (Attuvanchi), Mangifera indica (Chuta), Terminalia chebula (Abhaya), Cyperus rotundus (Musta).

We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self-medicating.


Uniherbs India Tablets AVN Setebid Tablets : Used in Treatment of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes Condition, PCOD (PCOS) (100 Tablets)Uniherbs India Tablets AVN Setebid Tablets : Used in Treatment of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes Condition, PCOD (PCOS) (100 Tablets)Uniherbs India Tablets AVN Setebid Tablets : Used in Treatment of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes Condition, PCOD (PCOS) (100 Tablets)Uniherbs India Tablets AVN Setebid Tablets : Used in Treatment of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes Condition, PCOD (PCOS) (100 Tablets)Uniherbs India Tablets AVN Setebid Tablets : Used in Treatment of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes Condition, PCOD (PCOS) (100 Tablets)Uniherbs India Tablets AVN Setebid Tablets : Used in Treatment of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes Condition, PCOD (PCOS) (100 Tablets)